samedi 20 novembre 2021

Ocellated turkey

 'Turkey' at Digital Whisper

5 commentaires:

  1. MAGNIFICENT turkeys in blues, Sim. This is such a gorgeous piece. i hope everyone finds their way here, and your link up works soon! Blessings!

  2. Sim, these are absolutely the most gorgeous turkey's I have ever seen in my life. They are amazing and the color is fabulous. It boggles my mind how something can be so beautiful and so ugly at the same time (sorry turkeys). Did you adjust the colors or are there actually blue turkeys in France.
    Anyway you made my day with this one. Have a great week and take care of you. Hugs

    1. I just cut out these treasures of Mother Nature my friend. They are exactly like this!
      Look at:

  3. Oh my goodness - I had no idea there were turkeys in the world like're a treasure to have found them, Sim, and to have brought them so beautifully (and uglyify?) to us. Many thanks, my oh-so-creative friend. xo
