mardi 26 avril 2022

That's what Mona has been up to lately.

 'That's what Mona has been up to lately' at The Three Muses

Pièce la Joconde, 1kg d'or = 5000 Euros (valeur = 100 900.00 €)

5 commentaires:

  1. You created several personalities of Mona. Every of them are awesome - the last one is my favorite.

  2. Wow, you have gone berzerk messing with Mona, (one of my own favorite pastimes). Four unique and clever ideas and beautifully wrought. I especially like #3 the action figure, a fabulous morphe... Bravo for all and a big hug for you my friend.

  3. Well, Miss Sim, what can I say other than they are ALL MAGNIFICENT. Your sense of humour is brilliant.

  4. Luv Mona'a energy in the first and third. My favourites
    Mine is HERE

  5. These are pure delight, Sim - Mona is busier than I'd ever imagined. It's little wonder that Leonardo did that portrait - it's the only way he could have pinned her down, methinks. Absolutely marvelous, my friend.
