samedi 14 mai 2022

'Les passantes'. Poème écrit par Antoine Pol et chanté par Georges Brassens, 1972

 'Song lyrics' at Sunday Postcard Art

The passersby, poem written by Antoine Pol and sung by Georges Brassens, 1972

I weep every time I listen to this song...

5 commentaires:

  1. Wonderful art piece and words. It brought tears to my eyes. Anne

  2. love your b/w design and will try to find it sung by Brassens on Youtube!

    1. Thank you very much Marion!!
      Unfortunately, I chose not to put a link because the Youtube videos are not of good quality, they sin either by the image, or by the sound, or both. To my great regret...

  3. Beautiful touching lyrics I can see why you cry I wish I could hear it sung. It is probably even more lovely in French I know that words don't translate exactly. I can tell that like myself, you always wonder what you missed or what could have been different, life is a puzzle isn't. Thank you for delivering a mind trip as well as a feast for the eyes.
    I hope all is well and I wish you every good thing my friend. many hugs.

  4. From Win Dinn, Artist (It didn't work): "I'll be reading and re-reading and look at this for a long time, Sim. This just pierces the soul."
