mardi 20 août 2024

Vogue la super-lune...

'Supermoon' at Our Midweek Muse

Moonlit night

With your light you fill
Valley, wood and plain,
And my soul, in the bosom of the night,
Becomes serene again.
Pure star, in my torment,
Your flame softened,
Seems to me a loving gaze
Leaning over my life.


Nuit de lune

De tes clartés tu remplis
Vallon, bois et plaine,
Et mon âme, au sein des nuits,
Redevient sereine.
Astre pur, dans mon tourment,
Ta flamme adoucie,
Me semble un regard aimant
Penché sur ma vie.


8 commentaires:

  1. Fabulous, I love the picture on a picture design. The whole thing together is amazing. Bravo! My friend. your poem is lovely and perfect.

  2. What a fantastic & gorgeous interpretation! (I had to google the Goethe poem in German first... But of course I know it from my school days!)
    Wish you good days and best wishes

  3. Une fois encore tu es merveilleusement inspirée

  4. oh Sim this is quite beautiful! xo

  5. Beautiful. And I don't mind you adding my blog to your blog roll. I just added yours to mine, too. :-)
