mercredi 25 septembre 2024

Couvertures de magazine

'Magazine Cover' at Our Midweek Muse

 About this challenge.

In the end, I made 3 magazine covers.

The first looks too much like the real thing (which only proves that I know how to do them), and was totally lacking in originality despite the nod to Marie-Antoinette.

The second is a real find, a manufacturer really does make pedal cars for adults, but the cover, once again, lacks humour. 

When I think of the magazine cover that Deann posted as a thumbnail, I think I'm way off the mark when it comes to humour.

So I've kept the same idea and tried to make it a bit more fun.

I'm posting all three so that you can see the progress (if you can call it progress).

A propos de ce challenge.

Finalement, j'ai fait 3 couvertures de magazine.

La première ressemble vraiment trop à une vraie (cela prouve seulement que je sais les faire), et manquait totalement d'originalité malgré le clin d'oeil à Marie-Antoinette.

La seconde est une vraie trouvaille, un fabricant fabrique vraiment des voitures à pédales pour adulte, mais la couverture, encore une fois manque d'humour. 

Quand je pense à la couverture de magazine que Deann a posté en vignette, je me dis que je suis loin du compte niveau humour.

Alors j'ai gardé la même idée et j'ai essayé que ce soit un peu plus fun.

Je poste les trois pour que vous constatiez la progression (si l'on peut parle de progression).

5 commentaires:

  1. As you said you are definitely an expert Cover Designer. One and two are wonderful but three is spot on perfect, and funnier then heck. (edible clothing for lost hikers LOL) A big round of BRAVO's for you my friend.
    Best wishes and big hugs headed you way.

  2. Funny! You know what you are doing for sure :)

  3. Oh how wonderful, Sim - I'm just loving the progressive covers, and that last one has me in stitches. SO playful and fun!!

  4. I love your magazines, all three!!! I know you were going for humor, but I really loved the first one the best. Her beautiful, young face, the simplicity of her dress, and that gorgeous big, swept-back hair style, what a pouf. And you article titles are so spot on! Although I do have to say, I'm sure our environmentalists would love these pedal cars - not only would they not pollute, we would all get some great exercise when pedaling along to our destinations! lol
