lundi 30 septembre 2024

Le temps

'It's about time' at Our Midweek Muse

7 commentaires:

  1. This is just fascinating Sim and so true. Love the gear patterned texture and the colors. Another beauty my friend.
    Have a wonderful October. Loads of love and hugs from here.

  2. Magnifique. Très métaphysique. J'adore

  3. Simply GORGEOUS. (The time spiral reminds me of a similar stamp motif, and that I should use that too...)
    Have a wonderful week & best wishes

  4. oh i do love the surreal feel of this! fabulously done Sim! xo

  5. Oh, I am loving this time spiral. It makes me think of the Dr. Who comment about 'wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey stuff'. So very fun, Sim - congrats!

  6. This is so interesting and beautiful, a wonderful take on the challenge! Really, really clever! 🥰
