mardi 12 novembre 2024

Mettez un chapeau

'Put a Hat on It' at Our Midweek Muse

7 commentaires:

  1. Oh my dear this made me laugh out loud it is adorable and beautiful too. Hugs to you I hope you are feeling better.

  2. well these are the cutest little hatted friends, i love them, and the pink is so joyous! they really love flamingoes... xo from michele

  3. I have to laugh here too, like Deann... especially the flamingo in the tutu. What a fun and absolutely GORGEOS!!!
    Wish you nice days (her e we have november tistesse: grau, smoke, cold and wet...)
    Hope you are well!?

  4. Luv these cuties. Happy Wednesday


  5. These little squirrels are so darling in their flamingo hats! And I adore the flamingo ballerina, so absolutely striking!

  6. Laughing out loud here in Canada...the flamingo concept is delightful in every way. Those squirrels suit that pink to the max. Well done, Sim. xo
