mardi 3 décembre 2024

Ce que vous pouvez faire avec des chaussures...

'What you can do with shoes' at Our Midweek Muse

D'adord j'ai décidé de m'en faire un chapeau, puis, finalement, j'ai préféré les poser au pied du sapin.

First I decided to make myself a hat, but in the end I preferred to put them at the foot of the Xmas tree.

4 commentaires:

  1. BRAVO!!!
    Luv them both


  2. These are both lovely, Sim - I had to smile at the whimsical hat, and there is just something so evocative about the second 'under the tree' one. There's a story there!!

  3. Beautiful! The first one is so bright, and bold and colorful! And I love the second one, too. I imagine everyone can come up with a great story about that creation!
