lundi 10 février 2025

Ce qui est à la mode en 2025 (Images du magazine Vogue)

'Vogue' at Digital Whisper

Men's and women's suits are back,

and oversized clothes are back in force.

And when you mix the two, you get this.

And, once again, panther print is the trend...

Le costume masculin et au féminin est de retour,

et les vêtements oversize reviennent en force.

A fortiori, les deux mélangés, ça donne ça.

Et encore une fois, la tendance est à l'imprimé panthère... 

6 commentaires:

  1. La passarel·la és oberta i les models avancen amb pas ferm i valent ! : )
    Vogue et contractarà de directora ! :)
    Bona setmana, Sim !!.

  2. Well babe you hit the nail on the head with your "Vogue" art, fabulous every one. Wishing you a lovely February and lots of love.

  3. oh Sim, you have nailed it perfectly! these are 100% vogue, to the highest degree! i can't get enough of them! and as a person whose favorite color is "animal print" let me say i would wear everything in the second one -- including those riotous "hats"!! well done my friend! xo from michele

  4. Well, you are definitely the fashionista here, Sim - you'll be designing for Vogue before we can say 'fashion plate'!!

  5. Awesome! Sim, you are so talented! Love both art pieces!
