lundi 24 février 2025

Gomez et Morticia Addams

'Gomez et Morticia' at My Soul's Dark Imagination

4 commentaires:

  1. Sweetie, this is superb! And it is ok that you used the new version of the Addams Family Characters because I love them as well as the old version! I love your fantastic Gomez and Morticia artwork...the romantic tango they danced...perfect for the theme! And you added "THING" which I love and have always thought that every household needs a "THING" too! And a Cousin IT, too! Thank you for joining in on the challenge!

  2. ah, i LOVE the modern addams family, glad you chose to create with them. this is a gorgeous dark and romantic creation, with so many memories from the show spread throughout. masterfully done my friend! xo from michele

  3. Superb, a glorious and beautifully detailed background to frame up an elegant Gomez and Morticia.
    Love all those wonderful details. A standing ovation for this one my friend.
    Best wishes, love and hugs from me. Deann

  4. How fabulous - it's impossible to do anything but grin as I view this. From the dance to The Thing, it's beyond masterful!
