mercredi 19 février 2025


'Steampunk' at Our Midweek Muse

6 commentaires:

  1. Wowzer you got carried away in the very best way. Each one is a masterpiece. I especially love the first one. Maybe that's what I need to get me going...a key in my
    Hugs , love and best wished to you my friend.

  2. Wow!!! The first one with the embossed figure is my favourite


  3. Holy steampunkery, Sim - these are fabulous. I wonder about the wind-up key in the first one; it makes me wonder about the machinations women have gone through over the centuries as they work their way towards autonomy. And the rust/blue combo in the next two just have me salivating. Marvelously well done, my friend.

  4. wow wow wow these are each gorgeous, you were on fire with your creating! there is something about the 1st that really grabs my imagination, but all are rich and detailed and amazing! xo from michele
