dimanche 30 octobre 2011

Hahaha! Je prépare des friandises pour les enfants qui vont passer en demander le soir d'Halloween!

5 commentaires:

  1. WOW!
    IImagine now
    in your Halloween laboratory,
    under knifes and blades
    and you cut up some bodies
    and after that
    you compose their members,
    just as you like !!
    It 's so charming and creative all this!
    bisous ma Sim!!

  2. Yeees My Liza...
    I like so very much cutting members and making others bodies with...
    This time, they are sweet for giving them to all kids asking for candies.
    Huge hugs Liza!!

  3. This is very creative Sim. Beautiful scene.
    Lovely greet Marja

  4. Thank you Marja!
    I appreciate a lot your regular visits!
    Big kiss!

  5. Hi sexy artist ! super collage ! tu me fais peur !
