dimanche 14 février 2021


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A painting I like a lot: Lorenzo Lotto, Venus and Cupid, 1520s

À sa manière inimitable, dans ce chef-d'œuvre unique, Lorenzo Lotto prend l'un des sujets les plus populaires de la peinture vénitienne et lui donne une touche spirituelle et humoristique. Naughty Cupid urine sur sa mère à travers une couronne de laurier - un acte censé symboliser la fertilité. Parce qu'il s'agit d'une image de mariage, elle est inspirée d'anciens poèmes de mariage. Il est possible que les traits de Vénus proviennent de ceux de la mariée. Les détails admirablement observés concernent la déesse et le mariage. Le lierre symbolise la fidélité; les mariées portaient une couronne de myrte; l'encens parfume la tonnelle; un serpent met en garde contre la jalousie.

In his inimitable fashion, in this unique masterpiece Lorenzo Lotto takes one of the most popular subjects of Venetian painting and gives it a witty and humorous twist. Naughty Cupid urinates on his mother through a laurel wreath—an act meant to symbolize fertility. Because this is a marriage picture, it is inspired by ancient marriage poems. It is possible that Venus’s features may be taken from the bride’s. The beautifully observed details relate to the goddess and marriage. The ivy is symbolic of fidelity; brides wore a myrtle wreath; incense perfumes the bower; a snake warns against jealousy.


'Sisters' at Take a Word

I present to you my darling sister (left) and me, happily dancing in the stars.

9 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful Cupid art, and you and your sister are such a gorgeous young women. You are like stars among other stars!
    Happy Valentine's xx

  2. Thanks for telling your age; isn't it said that wine becomes better older...;) Tell my greetings to our sweet sister, please xx

  3. All of these picture are just too wonderful. Cupid and Venus I don't think I have ever seen, I'm pretty sure I would remember it...lol You are so brilliant to know and share all the information about the picture,
    I really appreciate you taking the time to enlighten us about this and your Masterpiece Blog.

    And then your adorable "Sisters" how fun, I am so glad you have each other, I can see the love between you.
    Wonderful work my gifted and generous friend. These have brightened my whole day and it's only 8:30 A.M.
    Take care of you, Hugs

  4. What a wonderful, happy scene. You two are as lovely as the constellations behind you!! Thanks for sharing Venus and Cupid. Aa I write this, the first flakes of a predicted 7 to 10 inches of snow are falling. It is beautiful to see from my warm and cozy spot here enjoying your art!!

  5. No coneixia aquest quadre de Cupido !. Amb un somriure diré, que amb les fletxes del amor, Cupido no té sempre tant encert, com en aquesta obra ! ;)
    I felicitats per la composició de "Germanes" tant alegre i divertida !.
    Bona diada !

  6. Sim!! you and and your sister are gorgeous souls and so enchanting! Beautiful..I love it, this warms my heart, the special connection of sisters. And I love the Valentine too..magical and charming. Wishing you day and night...your art always inspires me! Beautiful work. Hello to your sister!

  7. Well, hello Sim and your lovely sister .... it's so nice to see you both. I love that you're having such a happy time dancing up there in the stars. You make me happy too.

  8. the cupid piece is such a hoot, i laughed out loud! the one with you and your sister touches my heart. i adore it. gorgeous pieces of art, both of them, well done. xo

  9. I was having a giggle at the first painting, and then did a double take at the second to see two new constellations in the night sky. You and your sister are the best possible additions there. Well done, Sim!
