samedi 13 août 2022

Papier journal

'Newsprint' at Sunday Postcard Art

6 commentaires:

  1. Un hàbit que es va perdent, el llegir els diaris .... s'hauria de fomentar més aquesta pràctica ! .
    Una il·lustració molt entranyable, salut i bon diumenge ;)

  2. Sim, this is fabulous! I saw your question on my blog (this is Cindy) and I would say mark making usually means making marks on a piece of art work. I add marks with pen, pencil, ink. Sometimes if I’m working on a painting it could be carving into the paint, but that’s not something I would usually do on a postcard. Hope that helps - I’ll try to add some context on my blog today when I post my newsprint card. X

  3. Wow, this is such a masterpiece I love how you created several levels and the subject you have used. Fabulous work as ever. Have a wonderful week my friend. Hugs and best wishes.

  4. Your postcard is wonderful, thank you very much for playing along with my theme.
