'The written word' at Our Midweek Muse
Le BG de la seconde image est le vestige de l'invention de la première écriture de l'humanité:
Ode à un dieu perse gravé dans le roc, découverte dans l’Est de la Turquie, en écriture cunéiforme.
The BG in the second image is the remnant of the invention of mankind's first writing:
Ode to a Persian god engraved in rock, discovered in eastern Turkey, in cuneiform script.
Lots of words! Awesome art both.
RépondreSupprimerSim - I always love your great collages. They are really unique.
RépondreSupprimerBest wishes Katrin
Awesome !!!
RépondreSupprimerHappy Wednesday
Haha I am laughing over your monkey/crab fable. I don't know what the moral is, maybe don't trust anyone??? It reminds me of the world as we know it. Anyway the picture is lovely. The Persian engravings is a very original and interesting take on the challenge, and you know how I adore originality. All the best to you my friend and many hugs.
RépondreSupprimerUna gran habilitat la de l'escriptura , com la del dibuix ...que ens obre al coneixement i la imaginació !
RépondreSupprimerSalut ;)
both are excellently done. wishing you the loveliest week. xo
RépondreSupprimerBoth are fantastic.
RépondreSupprimerThese are just fascinating, Sim - both of them intrigue me, and my brain is wandering now through colour, words and imaginings. Marvellous!
RépondreSupprimerI'm so behind with commenting this week I almost missed these wondrous pieces, Sim. They actually take my breath away. A standing ovation from me.
RépondreSupprimerthe first story so sad. :( But the image is gorgeous. And the second one, a long way fron the stone tablet to the phone. :)